Five Reasons It May Be Time for A Rebrand

Branding is important for many reasons. When done well, it legitimizes and makes a business memorable, and communicates a specific message to consumers about who a company is and what they offer. Because businesses can change drastically over time, misalignment between a brand identity and a brand’s intended message can occur, bringing with it the need for a rebrand.

It may be time for you to take on a brand refresh or rebrand if any of these five scenarios apply to you…

1. Your branding is no longer aligned with your vision

Perhaps when you began your business, you had a specific style or feeling you wanted to evoke through your logo and supporting brand elements. If your vision has changed, and your confidence and enthusiasm toward your brand along with it, it may be time for a strategic revisit of your branding.

2. Your core offerings have evolved

If your core offerings have evolved over time, your current brand identity may certainly be in question. After all, branding is a communication style, and your brand materials should support who you are and what you are able to offer to your consumers.

3. Your target audience has changed

As your business evolves, your target audience often does as well. Even if your target audience hasn’t fundamentally changed, over time business owners develop a deeper understanding of core customers and what type of brands appeal to them.

4. Your branding looks outdated

From fashion and home decor to graphic design, style trends come and go. If your current brand is too “trendy,” and you worry your brand is misaligned with current trends and may look unprofessional to some users, it’s time to revisit it.

5. Your branding is inconsistent

If you find yourself using inconsistent colors, fonts, language, elements, or whatever it may be, it’s critical to reevaluate your brand identity to get it back in alignment and create cohesion in branding across platforms.

Investing in your business can be scary, but it’s so important to do to have clarity and confidence in your brand, attract the right audience, and ultimately scale your business.

At Studio Kellams, we execute strategic discovery sessions to ensure we understand each client’s unique vision, offerings, target audience, and goals at the onset of every project. We also ensure we create brands that are unique and intentionally built on those pillars, but simple and timeless enough to withstand the evolution of design trends over time and makes the most of clients’ investments. Studio Kellams clients also receive documentation and guidance for how to use their brand identity cohesively and consistently, so that they have the confidence to implement their branding autonomously following project conclusion. Ultimately these measures give our clients a brand identity that meets their needs and is authentically them, and that they are proud to share with the world.

Sound like a brand identity project could be a good fit for your needs? Let’s collaborate on what a proposal could look like for you – inquire today to get started!

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Brand + Web Design Check-Up

Your business is a lot like your favorite houseplant — it needs care to evolve and develop over time. Be honest, when was the last time it had a check-up? Maybe it’s time for a bit of TLC.

Use this brand and web design checklist as an annual pulse check for your business. What are you missing that can add momentum?

Download the checklist